Amy Raoof

Amy Raoof

Proud travel aficionado. Evil tv buff. Typical reader. Certified coffee aficionado. Typical problem solver.

50 Posts Written
What are non lethal techniques for wildlife management?

What are non lethal techniques for wildlife management?

Below are examples of some of the non-lethal methods used by WS to resolve conflicts between people and wildlife, habitat ...

Can you prevent future infestations by making changes to your property or habits?

Can you prevent future infestations by making changes to your property or habits?

Long-term preventive measures require diligent maintenance and monitoring of your property. By establishing good habits...

What should you do if you find a dead animal on your property?

What should you do if you find a dead animal on your property?

Therefore, when you find a dead animal in your garden, it's important to address the situation quickly and safely. If the ...

Are there any risks involved in wildlife removal for the animals themselves?

Are there any risks involved in wildlife removal for the animals themselves?

Risk of harming the animal: Wild animals have the right to live and thrive in their natural habitats, and taking them out ...

What should you do if you suspect a neighbor's property has a wildlife infestation?

What should you do if you suspect a neighbor's property has a wildlife infestation?

Call a local government animal control agency or similar agency. These helplines can provide you with the appropriate...

Is it safe to remove wildlife on your own?

Is it safe to remove wildlife on your own?

If you suspect that a wild animal lives on or near your property, the first thing to do is call a professional. Avoid...

What should you do if you find a baby animal during the removal process?

What should you do if you find a baby animal during the removal process?

It's always best to leave wildlife in the wild. Learn what you can do if you think a wild animal has been orphaned or...

What should you do with the removed wildlife?

What should you do with the removed wildlife?

Any animal you catch or loot must be humanely disposed of (whether you release it in an authorized area or euthanized by...

Are there any laws or regulations regarding wildlife removal?

Are there any laws or regulations regarding wildlife removal?

California Code of Regulations: All fur-bearing, non-hunting mammals that are legal to catch must be euthanized or...

What are some signs that a professional wildlife removal service is reputable and trustworthy?

What are some signs that a professional wildlife removal service is reputable and trustworthy?

Get a recommendation for the company from a local wildlife rehabilitator, humane society, or animal control agency. Ask...

Is it illegal to relocate wildlife in ca?

Is it illegal to relocate wildlife in ca?

Wildlife relocation is illegal in California, as well as in many other states in the United States. State law stipulates...

What are the risks of not removing wildlife from your property?

What are the risks of not removing wildlife from your property?

Damage to your property: Wild animals can cause damage to your home or property when they try to escape or defend...

What are some signs of a wildlife infestation?

What are some signs of a wildlife infestation?

Do you hear strange noises at night? Is there an unpleasant smell coming from your shed? These could be signs of a...

What should you do if you encounter a wild animal on your property?

What should you do if you encounter a wild animal on your property?

If you see an injured, sick, or orphaned wild animal, leave it alone. Visit the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources ...

How can wildlife removal help protect your home?

How can wildlife removal help protect your home?

Work with a wildlife removal company in Raleigh, NC that you can trust. Contact Joseph to request more information about...

What types of animals are commonly removed during wildlife removal?

What types of animals are commonly removed during wildlife removal?

Turner offers wildlife exclusion and removal services, in addition to pest control services for creatures that commonly...

Can you relocate a wild animal after it has been removed from your property?

Can you relocate a wild animal after it has been removed from your property?

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife does not allow wild animals to be relocated; therefore, the Department...

What are some common reasons for wildlife infestations in homes?

What are some common reasons for wildlife infestations in homes?

Wild animals need food and shelter just like people. Animals can move to basements, attics, or garages in search of a...

Are there any health risks associated with having a wildlife infestation in your home?

Are there any health risks associated with having a wildlife infestation in your home?

Wild animals can damage electrical wiring and destroy insulation. They can also transmit diseases such as rabies or...

Why is wildlife so important?

Why is wildlife so important?

Animal, plant and marine biodiversity maintains functional ecosystems. Healthy ecosystems allow us to survive, get enough ...

What are some common methods used for wildlife removal?

What are some common methods used for wildlife removal?

All animals need water, food and shelter. Exclusion includes the use of barriers, such as nets, cylinders and fences, to...

What are some humane methods of wildlife removal?

What are some humane methods of wildlife removal?

Exclusion tactics One of the most important tactics for human wildlife control is exclusion. Exclusion means identifying...

What should you do if you find a nest of baby animals during the removal process?

What should you do if you find a nest of baby animals during the removal process?

If you find a featherless, fuzzy, or incomplete bird, you'll need help. If the bird appears to be unharmed, the best...

What are some common mistakes people make during wildlife removal?

What are some common mistakes people make during wildlife removal?

Homeowners should never try to catch street wildlife on their own. Don't make the mistake of sealing animal entry points.

How much does professional wildlife removal typically cost?

How much does professional wildlife removal typically cost?

Clearing a few annoying attic squirrels or opossums from under the deck may seem easy, but it can get complicated...

Can you relocate wildlife in indiana?

Can you relocate wildlife in indiana?

Animals that are released must be released on land in the county where they were captured. In addition, the owner or...

How long does a typical wildlife removal process take?

How long does a typical wildlife removal process take?

Removing animals from your home requires a single visit to capture a creature within inhabited areas or 2 to 4 days to...

What should you do if a wild animal enters your home during the removal process?

What should you do if a wild animal enters your home during the removal process?

If a creature has entered, it's best to move for the time being or find a way to separate it from the rest of the house....

What are some common wildlife management practices?

What are some common wildlife management practices?

Management practices to improve wildlife habitat: piles of scrub. Control of noxious weeds and invasive non-native plants ...

Are there any diy methods for wildlife removal that are effective and safe?

Are there any diy methods for wildlife removal that are effective and safe?

You've probably heard some stories of success with regard to removing wildlife on your own. It's true that some home...

Can you prevent future wildlife infestations by making changes to your landscaping or outdoor areas?

Can you prevent future wildlife infestations by making changes to your landscaping or outdoor areas?

Can we still have wildlife-friendly yards? Unfortunately, grass alone as a vegetation cover does not provide food or...

How can you find a reputable and experienced wildlife removal service in your area?

How can you find a reputable and experienced wildlife removal service in your area?

Get a recommendation for the company from a local wildlife rehabilitator, humane society, or animal control agency. Ask...

How do you know if you have a wildlife infestation?

How do you know if you have a wildlife infestation?

Crunchy noises coming from under your house or terrace. Unusual noises that tend to be louder at night or at dusk.

What are some common misconceptions about wildlife removal?

What are some common misconceptions about wildlife removal?

There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to eliminating wildlife. For example, some people believe that all...

What precautions should be taken during wildlife removal?

What precautions should be taken during wildlife removal?

Trying to eliminate wildlife on your own can result in. They also have the right equipment and can take steps to prevent...

How can you safely dispose of any waste or debris left behind by the removed wildlife?

How can you safely dispose of any waste or debris left behind by the removed wildlife?

Before handling a corpse, make sure that the animal is actually dead. This can be done through careful visual inspection.

How can you prevent future wildlife infestations?

How can you prevent future wildlife infestations?

If you have a wildlife infestation in your home or business, contact the specialists at Shumaker's Animal Control. Our...

Why is wildlife removal important?

Why is wildlife removal important?

Some animals, such as squirrels, raccoons, and skunks, among others, can become a nuisance if they identify their...

Is it necessary to repair any damage caused by the wildlife after it has been removed?

Is it necessary to repair any damage caused by the wildlife after it has been removed?

It's important to make repairs quickly if your property has been damaged by wildlife. However, before starting any repair ...

What should you do if you are bitten or scratched by a wild animal during the removal process?

What should you do if you are bitten or scratched by a wild animal during the removal process?

If you are bitten or scratched by a wild animal, immediately clean the wound with soap and water and contact your medical ...